Tuesday, March 29, 2011

i went to a pet shop today... ;)
today i went to a pet shop to buy the cat foods and sand for them to poopoo..
suddenly i find this chinchilla from south america..
it is ssooo cuteeee!! but it has the biggest ears tht i have ever seen before..
:) im afraid to touch the chinchilla but the owner said tht it is friendly to people..

Monday, March 28, 2011

my everything :)

this is syafiq kamalrolzaman..
:) and also known as "bipbip"
we had been frens from 2009..and it was funny becos we actually fight a lot..

thnks b for going through so much with me ..
thnks for being there when i need u the most!
thnks for support and gossiping with me..huhuhu
thnks for being my bestfrens, my strength, my pride, my life and the apple of my eyes..
n a million and zillion thnks for accepting me the way tht i am now and 4 the loves that u keep giving me with ur pure hearts and honesty! ilysm! :)

my cats!

this is comel..heheh mule2 strt ngn dier je..akibat terlalu bersosial..
her we go with another 4 cats.. :) the journey begun..

coco,chombi,casper n crystal..(coco ilang on 2009)

this is messi..:)

and bluee :)

the twins : mylo n a.b it is hard to differentiate between them kn?? :)

last but not least: zoey, joey n snowy ( 8 feb 2011) :)