Wednesday, September 7, 2011

the past..

I will try my best to forget u..i think that is the best for us :)
the things that i wanted to say to u :
  • Why?

  • is it because of the distance?

  • what am i to u?

  • how could u?

  • am i too easy to be pushed around??

  • I just want to know if you meant everything you said. I don’t want you back, I don’t want an apology, I just want the truth.

  •  Last but not least :) i forgive everything that u had done to me ..
    i forgive the things that u had said to me even though it is fucking hurtful! cheers! :)

"let me start my life and try to change ur status in my life "

Saturday, September 3, 2011

my weekends

 Disebabkan ari ni cuti soo saye mngambil kesempatan utk pg ke pc fair di mid valley exhibition centre :)
mule3 ingt nk g sorg but then ibu pon ikot sme..:)
so we have our girls time...
naseb la x amai sngt kt pc fair tuh...
saye bli music mp3 box and hard disk sb yg lme da rosak :(
hehehe and kali ni simpan warranty baik2 bg x hilang sb nt conpem kne marah ngn apik lg :P

 hhehehehe ni la mini box utk mp3 player saye :) tgh dlm proses utk blja mnggune kn nye :)
500 gig = RM179 berbaloi la gak kn?

owh then kiteog g bookstore abes ibu borong fav buku dier -___-''
and kiteorg g mkn dkt pancake house! :) smpai nk termuntah2 mkn sb knyng sngt hehhe...

sannaaaggggtttt sdappp!!!!! :D

Selamat Hari RAya & Merdeka Raya! :)

Just want to wish to all who celebrate raya to all my families, relatives and friends...
"Selamat Hari Raya Aidilifitri Maaf Zahir & Batin :)
and Happy 54th independence day Malaysian! "
 semoga kite dipanjangkn umur utk celebrate raya lg tahun dpn ..insyallah! :)
xde la pic raye taun ni :(
 pic raya kt tmpt kje :)
kami di concorde :)

with hiroko,me,kak shaz and zafrul :)

si bdk giler ber due :P

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


A gentle word like a spark of light,
Illuminates my soul
And as each sound goes deeper,
It's YOU that makes me whole

There is no corner, no dark place,
YOUR LOVE cannot fill
And if the world starts causing waves,
It's your devotion that makes them still

And yes you always speak to me,
In sweet honesty and truth
Your caring heart keeps out the rain,
YOUR LOVE, the ultimate roof

So thank you my Love for being there,
For supporting me, my life
I'll do the same for you, you know :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Well everyone have their own insecurities but mine is insecurities of my heart..
it is hard to differentiate between love,passion,adore and like..different meaning and actions..
It is complicated when we talked about our hearts.. Until now i dont think i am fully understand my heart and my brain that generate my thoughts..Someone said to me that do u know when u are in love?
do you know that love and like is 2 different meaning? The question is still running through my mind every second until now..Am i confused? or is it actually i am scared to be in love or to give trust to others just because i have been cheated before?? Now am i been too much careful to prevent myself from getting hurt again? I think i am :)
I just cannot go through that situation again..and i am now slowly to recovered and give time to myself to trust people back... and it will take a long time!
my second insecurities is my weight ..:( i hate to exercise but i love to eat..its not that i dont love my body!
i love my body each and everyday by eating healthy im trying to reduce carbonated drinks and sugars..i hate when people saying bout my weights or  how different i look now..
its like --____-- diaorg ni x de kje lain ke tgk bdn org..hhahak cm tuh la..:P
any way im trying to reduce my weight and be more healthier! :)

- NeGaTiVe-

Well,10 negatives things about myself is :
  • I have the biggest EGO tht not anyone can handle it..
  • I am stubborn 
  • My swing moods..feels like i want to kill seriusly..
  • Making my own RULES ;p
  • I dont like to wake up in the morning :(
  • Doesnt like to show my true feelings or actions
  • i love to curse people when i am mad
  • Strong feelings of jealousy
  • doesnt like to keep money and love to spend it!!
  • love to complain 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I’m not gonna promise you everything.

 I can’t promise a healthy relationship without some arguments. And I can’t promise I’ll be there all the time because I have my best friends. But I will promise you that you’re my significant other. Sure, I’ll talk to other guys, but they are just friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Because if I did wanted to go for them, I wouldn’t have said yes to you. If you respect my space, then I’ll respect yours. And if you don’t mind me talking to other guys, then I won’t mind you talking with other girls. But we both have to know that you’re mine and I’m yours.
ily bipbip! :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

2nd : A wish that I’ve wished for repeatedly

A wish that i've wished for repeatedly -___- hurmm actually cm bnyk je wish hihih...
Dlu time kecik3 ske wish upon a shooting star! but huh nk tgk skli pon xdpt ciss...But now da besar sikit da x de la nk wish cm tuh upon a shooting star..kalau nk tggu mmg x kn wish2 la hehehe..But the one that i can remember untill now and even now i still wish to have a great vacation or holidays! pheww..bile la kn nk dpt nye..:D Wish to see and touch the real snow.. xnk la yg dkt ice room..nk yg real pnye jgk..bile la tuh hehehe..Insyallah one day ok?

:) and i will be upload the pictures of me holding the snow (btw this is some random pictures) :P ..As i am getting older there are a few things that i should be wished to do before im dead, cm menakotkn je..huhuh...

1) done all the pillars of Islam
2) eat shark fin soup and  ice cream milk from a camel
3)To see the sun rise dkt view yg cntk :)
4) Visit the wax house (madam tussauds )
5) Choc sprinkle and liquorice since i have a sweet tooth ;p
6) and the list are on and on..kalo tulis ni lebih dr 500 item heheh..sngop ke nk bc??:p

well hope so by all means i can do what ever i want :) insyallah..
for now just live life happily! 

Friday, June 24, 2011

1st : Most traumatic experience

hmmm...let me most traumatic experience is when i was in form 4 where i got a scooter from my mum..She give me that stupid thing to make me easy to go anywhere since im not 17 yet so i cant have a driving  licence to drive a car. Well at first i was glad that i have my scooter and easy for me to go tuition and hang out with my friends..But one night after my class tuition i went home and suddenly i realize that i was been followed by this man with a motorcycle then he tried to chased me and try to stop me and i was soo afraid ncam dlm ati da maki2 (&#^#*pfftt!!) sb cm takot gler kne kejar la kan.... time tu da bwk laju gler x ingt la..then cm relief sb da nmpk simpang rumah msk je kt umah..tros stop then shaking and crying....naseb abh kt ade kt dpn n tnye knpe , then ckp kne kejar ngn laki gile mne nth...then from that onwards da takot naek motor sorg3 hehehe..
bkn tu je..pnh accident jgk ngn nabil time tu nk g tuisyen n hujan..skli accident bkn lnggar pe pon..jln licin n terbabas -___-' funny kn?? hehehee..abes la calar3 kaki n tgn pg jgk tuisyen hahahak..thn sakit..
blk tuisyen xnk abh bnyk tnye knpe luke3 n moto cm calar...ibu n ayep blg kain pelikat dr ats soo sblom msk umah cover ngn kain pelikat x nk bg abh nmpk hehhe...:P sory abh..
sampai dlm bilik ibu n ayep jd nurse tlg ltk kn ubat n bandage huhuh ^.^ time tu funny giler da la pdh n nk jerit kne cover2 takot abh dgr hehehe..last3 abh taw jgk n ejek3 kiteorg sb jato motor kne bising sikit la sb moto da cm calar3...pastu smpai skng da takot naik moto heheheh :P
that is one of my traumatic expereince..Alhamdullilah setakat ni tu je la plg trauma ehhee...
biase la time kck jd bdk3 nakal...;p

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My sign :)

LIBRA - The Lame One
Nice to everyone they meet. Their love is one of a kind. Silly, funny and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! However, not the kind of person you want to mess with…you might end up crying. Libras can cause as much havoc as they can prevent. Faithful friends to the end.Can hold a grudge for years.Libras are someone you want on your side. Usually great at sports and are extreme sports fanatics. Very creative. A hopeless romantic.

Just for fun people..:)

Monday, June 20, 2011


Raye 2010 :) theme :cream colour..oh btw tht is abah! :)

Raye 2008 :) green theme...

 Only the three of us : Bil,y n ayep :)

My second brother: Muhammed Nabil
Still studying in KLMU, taking diploma in culinary arts!
:) a very great and indeed magnificence cook!
expecially in weastern cuisine..
a soft hearted person and a "ladies man" ^.^ just kidding...

 My youngest brother : Ahmad Taib 
Will further his stdy this July 2011 in M.I.A.T unikl in avionics..
A very active sportsman in rugby and a very serious person..
Not good in sense of humor and more matured then nabil..;p

Even what happen we will always be siblings! :)
Thank you for being a great brothers to me even though korng kdg ske menyakit kn ati y!
huhuhuh.. bak kate pepatah: Air yg dicincang x kn putus (ecey3 heheh ;p)
Please take care of each other will u!
love much2 infinity from y <3 :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

you :)

M-Mmg suke sakat org! ciss...
O- Orang yang sngt kuat mkn! :P
H- Hate  the colour of RED
A- Always remind me of something that i will always forgot!
M-Make me laugh all the time :) smpai nages3 gelak..
E-En kunyit hahahk! :P
D- Determination yang sngt tinggi

S - seriusly have a big heart! <3
Y- y punye = )
A- apik nme glamour..bahahak!
F-Free thinker and weird too -___-'
I- incredibly intelligent
Q-quite strict but can be negotiable ;p

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy abah's day!


this song is dedicated to abah :)

No matter what happen i will always love u abah!!
En Mohamed u are one in a zillion..:)
thank u ABAH!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Kim Yoo Kyung – (Starlight Tears) [English Version]


From the first time we met, I knew we would be friends
You had a different air than others that I knew
I am also alone in this world I’ve come to know
Finally, I’ve met someone like you

I know that I might’ve been a bit cold at times
But that was just the way I dealt with all my fears
You took the first step to show I don’t have to be alone
And now I, I know I love you

I will be waiting for you
Don’t care how long it may take
I will always be right here
When you need to laugh or cry

You let me know
When you are ready to love
And I will rush to your side
To sweep you into my arms

Maybe one day you’ll know the love that I’ve kept inside
I know love comes with pain; it’s so hard to erase
All that I’m asking is for you to let me stay here
Don’t be scared; you can lean on me

Repeat Chorus

I know I’ve found the one when I look into your eyes
I will wait by your side till you can give me your heart

Repeat Chorus

Thursday, June 9, 2011

dr martens for me please! ;p

Well i am head over heals with boots i dont even know why actually..
hehehhe i just love to see boots on anyone and it looks good!
here are some of dr martens creative designs! :)
love3 it!

wish i could have one of those!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

it's all bout me me me me :)

Ten Are You’s
1. are you single - No
2. are you happy – Currently, yes i am happy! :)
3. are you bored – kinda
4. are you naked - No
5. are you a blonde - No
6. are you moody – Depends
7. are you a lover/hater - Both
8. are you hot/cold - cold
9. are you Irish - No
10. are you Asian - Yes

ten facts 
1. name – Najwa Mohamed
2. nicknames – y,wywy,awai,wai ,nyinyong (by sibs only!)
3. any birth marks - There's one on my shoulder but i dnt remember on which side
4. hair color –  Black and a line of red! :p dye it!
5. natural hair color - Black
6. eye color - Black
7. height – 160 cm
8. mood - I am happy and sleeepppyy 
9. favorite colour – Black, Yellow & green
10. one place you want to visit – hawaii  & europe country!

nine things about your love life 
1. do you believe in love at first sight – Yes
2. do you believe in soul mates – I do
3. ever been hurt emotionally - Yes
4. have you ever broke someone’s heart? – I did 
5. ever had your heart broken? - Yes
6. ever liked someone but never told them? – nope
7. are you afraid of commitment? - Yes3!
8. who was the last person you hugged? – do cats count? ;p
9. who was the last person you said i love you to? – my bipbip! :) and will always be

ten this or that 
1. love or lust - hurmmm both i think...
2. cats or dogs – Cats!
3. a few best friends or many regular friends – a few bestfriends
4. television or internet – Internet.
5. chinese or indian - chinese and indian
6. wild night out or romantic night in – both! :)
7. money or happiness – Both
8. night or day - Both
9. msn or phone - phone
10. ipod or mp3 - Ipod

ten have you ever 
1. been caught sneaking out – Nopee
2. been skinny dipping - Never
3. bungee jumped – Never, would like to try! :)
4. finished an entire jaw breaker – No
5. lied to someone you liked – I did
6. wanted an ex bf/gf back – nope, no turning back
8. cried yourself to sleep - Yes
9. cried because you lost a pet – ermmm i dnt think so...
10. wanted to disappear – Yes3!

ten preferences in a partner
1. smile or eyes – Both
2. light or dark hair – Dark hair pls
3. hugs or kisses – Both 
4. shorter or taller – Taller =]
5. personality or looks – Personality counts
6. romantic or spontaneous – spontaneous 
7. funny or serious – Both
8. older or younger – i dnt care :)
9. outgoing or quiet – Outgoing
10. sweet or bad ass - sweet for sure

nine ‘have you’s 
1. ever performed in front of a large crowd – nope
2. ever done drugs – hurmmmm -____-
3. ever consumed alcohol - hurmmm -_____-
4. ever been on a cheerleading team – No
5. ever been on a dance team – nahh...
6. ever been on a sports team - Yes
7. ever been in a drama play/production – No
8. ever owned a bmw, mercedes, or bentley – hahahahak i wisshhh :)
9. ever been in a rap video? – No

eight lasts
 1. last phone call you made – 1 hour and a half ago            
2. last person you hung out with – ayep
3. last time you worked – as an intern in log company
4. last person you tackled – never
5. last person you im’d – hurmm i cant remember
6. last person(s) you went to the movies with – with bipbip watching kung fu panda 2! :)
7. last thing you missed – him :(
8. last thing you ate - mum's cook! :)

last person to 
1. sleep beside you - nabil ( my bro)
2. see you cry – bipbip again
3. you went out to dinner with - family and bipbip
4. you talked on the phone to - Bipbip :) love3!
5. made you laugh - syafiq kamalrolzaman!

 would you rather 
1. pierce your nose or tongue -tongu
2. be serious or be funny – Funny
3. drink whole or skim milk – Whole, yummeh
4. spend time with your parents or enemies – Parents, obviously

are you 
1. simple or complicated – can be simple if u dont give me a hard time, if not i will be complicated
2. retarded – Nope

answer truthfully 
1. do you like anyone - Yes. :)
2. do they know it – Yes

do you prefer 
1. sun or moon - moon
2. winter or summer - summer
3. left or right - Right
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends – Two bestfriends, but I got many and more then 2
5. sun or rain - rain
6. vanilla or chocolate ice cream - Chocolate
7. coke or pepsi – Coke

1. nervous habits – my hand will be wet and my hearts just cant stop beating..its like 150km/hour
2. are you double jointed – Nope
3. can you twist your tongue around and roll it - yupp
4. can you raise one eyebrow – Yes
5. can you cross your eyes - Yes, duhh ? LOL
6. do you make your bed daily – Sometimes when im on the mood

1. which shoe goes on first - right i guess or do u mean type of shoes? wedges..
2. ever thrown something at someone – Yes
3. on average, how much money do you carry with you? - depends 50-100
4. what jewellery do you wear – only an earings
5. do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it – Twirl
6. have you ever eaten spam - No
7. favorite ice cream – strawberry cheesecake and love potion by baskin robbin! love3!!
8. how many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet – plenty 
9. what’s your favorite beverage – I'd say, Starbucks' , krushers (KFC) and milkshake :)
10. do you cook – Sometimes

in the last month have you 
1. had a relationship - Yes
2. bought something - Yes
3. sang - Yes
4. been hugged - Yes
5. felt stupid - Yes
6. missed someone - Yes

1. last alcoholic drink – I cant remember
2. last car ride – 6 hours ago 
3. last movie seen – kung fu panda 2, pirates of the carribean and incidious!
4. last song played – rolling in the deep by adele! :)

qoutes! :)

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Happy birthday!

today is 8th June 2011...
:) my munchkin birthday!
may u been blessed and happy always yeap b!
with lots of love:
wywy <3

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy mothers's day!

well, this is my mother.. :)  mdm Wahidah bt Mohd Aziman..
hehhehe yup mostly ppl will say tht my face is just like her..i dnt knoe but maybe! 

Well she is born in 7th December 1960 and that make her 51 ths year...

for mothers day this year i dnt knoe wht to give her for tht special day..
but im thinking of cards and choclates and a day at the spa..
maybe i guess.. heehee well just have to figure it out..
She is such a wonderful mom that i cant even imagine..
she had been wonderful and filling us with a lot of loves and joy to us...

thank u so much ... YOU’RE IRREPLACEABLE.
lots of luv to u mommy!! 

Monday, May 2, 2011

my new passion :)

 i dnt knoe why but now i am currently active in tumblr...
im so sorry bloggy!! :( i will try and keep posting ok??
just lately i just love the cute pictures n graphic in tumblr!